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Three ele­phant calves were born within ten weeks time at Dublin Zoo in 2014. As you can see Kavi, Ashoka and Samiya are doing fine. The herd of Asi­atic ele­phants seems to be a sta­ble har­mo­nious group although one of the moth­ers expresses some dis­turb­ing repet­i­tive behav­iour. The group is led by matri­arch Bern­har­dine, the first ever born ele­phant in a Dutch zoo (16.06.1984). She was also the first ele­phant born to par­ents who were born in cap­tiv­ity in an Euro­pean zoo as well. The ele­phants share their enclo­sure with black­buck, and it is obvi­ous that at least one of the ele­phants dis­likes the male blackbuck.

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